Sunday, 18 October 2015

Facsimile in Stockholm

In September I took a trip to Sweden, and brought with me printed and cut out Facsimile boxes, adding a glue stick in my case. I made them up in my hotel room and took them out to find places for them in a museum or gallery while I was around, giving an international dimension to my residency at the V&A.

Moderna Museet, The Museum of Modern Art

Nordiska Museet, Nordic Museum

Of course, this can happen anywhere. I or anyone can place Facsimile Boxes in museums and galleries or anywhere else closer to home, with just a little organisation. Probably in the future I will have another spate of placing them.

I was at the V&A recently and decided to seek out where I had left Facsimile Boxes, to see if any remained. I remembered the location of some but not all, and didn't find any. I'm so intrigued but will never know what happened to them, and the thoughts of those who picked them up, even if that was to bin them as ephemeral paper.

18th October 2015

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